Jairam Cafe & Guesthouse

Brit étterem Indiai étterem
Situated twenty foot from the rolling waves of the Arabian Ocean, Jairam Cafe and Guest house offers you a hidden oasis of calm and tranquillity amid the excitement of Varkala\'s North Cliff. This hidden away retreat will cater to all your requirements as you pass the day relaxing in a hammocks or lounging upon one of the many cushioned recliners, reading your book of choice from the free on-site library, surrounded by strategically located greenery and trees. Enjoy the aromas of spices that drift from the kitchen, sit and watch the chef prepare your meal catering to any special dietary requirements you may have or join one of the cooking classes to create a feast of your own. With a menu boasting dishes from South India, North India and Europe, Jairam Cafe prides itself on its pesticide free and locally sourced fruit and vegetables. Jairam Guest house is ideal for the budget traveller. It offers rooms with attached bathrooms and fans, all of which have stunning views over the ocean and free Wifi. Sit on the veranda as the sun dips into the sea, enjoy the cooling breeze as it drift through the palms, sleep to the sound of waves upon the shore or join one of the yoga classes held on site. Jairam Cafe welcomes you for as long as your stay in India allows, Nothing is a problem, is the greeting as Kim welcomes you into this special family.

Jairam Cafe & Guesthouse elérhetősége


Cím: North Cliff, Thiruvambadi Beach, Varkala, Varkala, Kerala, India 695141

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Book online tickets for DJ Night, Food / Drinks event Summer Beach Party @ Jairam Cafe at Jairam Cafe and Guesthouse: Varkala in Varkala on BookMyShow.

Jairam Cafe & Guesthouse, 2018.05.10.
