Ourem 88

Modern European Restaurant
Modern European Bistro
Located in a quite coconut grove just 20m from the seashore behind Rococo Pelton at the southern end of Palolem beach, Ourem 88 is a small home style European restaurant set in the courtyard of our home. At Ourem 88 we endeavour to use the freshest, locally sourced seasonal produce & a variety of speciality imported produce fused with a western style of cooking to give you a tasty vibrant menu in relaxed & friendly surroundings. Our small evening bistro menu changes regularly according to seasonal availability in the market to ensure a new & exciting experience on every visit. Being a small restaurant which serves fresh home cooked food, which prides itself on quality & customer satisfaction, we are limited to the amount of tables we are able to serve in an evening. Larger tables are recommended to call in advance to check availability. The restaurant can also be reached via the Ourem 88 just beside Akash Travels.

Ourem 88 contact


address: Behind Rococo Pelton, Ourem, Palolem Beach,, Palolem, Goa, India 403702


On the street

Ourem 88 opening hours

  • Monday close
  • Tuesday 18:00 - 22:30
  • Wednesday 18:00 - 22:30
  • Thursday 18:00 - 22:30
  • Friday 18:00 - 22:30
  • Saturday 18:00 - 22:30
  • Sunday 18:00 - 22:30

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Wandering guests can come



price category:

$$ mid price

Ourem 88 reviews

Ourem 88 facebook posts

We are closed for a short holiday.....Please contact us from 29th February.

Ourem 88, 2020.02.21.

#straightfromtheoven #caramalisedredonionbriebaconandwalnutquiche#ourem88

Ourem 88, 2020.02.07.

#shortbread #homemade #straightfromtheoven #ourem88

Ourem 88, 2020.02.02.


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